Donald Trump: True Voice of America?
Donald Trump is a dimwitted billionaire who announced, on June 16, 2015, that he wants to be the next President of the United States. Having made a showy name for himself as a heavy-handed businessman, and having also gained a perverse renown through his frequent appearances on television, he has now chosen, in his own graceless manner, to offer his questionable leadership to the American people. It is an unwelcome prospect, and one that strikes a rational mind as being, in equal measure, both laughable and dreadful.
It is beyond dispute that Donald Trump is utterly loathsome. He is greedy, selfish, dishonest, and overbearing. He is a fraud, a racist, a fascist, and a warmonger. To his millions of foolish, empty-headed supporters, he is the only person who can restore America to "greatness" and defend it against what they believe to be its countless enemies. To his weak-kneed, liberal detractors, he is an annoying distraction from the accepted, comfortable hypocrisies of American life. To an impartial observer, he is a blot on humanity.
Even if Donald Trump should fail in his clumsy desire to become President, he is still likely to succeed in unleashing the vile contagion of a mentality that, while easy to condemn, is considerably harder to dismiss. It is a brutish mentality that transcends the abject pettiness of elections. It is a mentality that grows and abides and will not go away. When America looks at Donald Trump, is America actually looking at its own reflection? Could it be that the malicious voice of Donald Trump is, after all, the true voice of America?