The Unforgivable Sins of Our Leaders
Most of the evil in our world can be traced, directly or indirectly, to the actions of those who hold authority and leadership. The policies and decisions of presidents, prime ministers, generals, and corporate executives result in a much greater degree of harm than any wicked deed carried out by a common offender. The worst of all violations are those that regularly happen behind the closed doors of accepted institutions and mighty corporations, where every untoward aim, and every foul intention, is shaped by avarice and magnified by power. Our leaders constantly seek to maintain and extend their control, abusing mankind as they pursue their selfish ambitions.
As a private citizen, I am appalled by the continual wrongdoing of those who dare to raise themselves above the rest of us. I feel unreserved repugnance toward leaders who are without any shred of honesty or principle, whose every utterance is a bold affront to truth and reason. They appear to take unwholesome delight in their many opportunities to thieve and deceive, always furthering their own ends, always promoting their own corrupt interests at the expense of the unfortunate masses. They allow helpless children to starve, while happily enriching themselves. Their arrogance is boundless and their greed is unquenchable. They have no shame and no pity.
The history of humanity has been deeply stained, time and again, by the unforgivable sins of our leaders. If there is ever a glorious day of freedom and atonement, a day when the oppressive burdens of want, violence, and inequity are finally banished forever, I hope to see the loathsome creators of war and poverty marked out for extreme mortification. I long to see them reduced in stature, pulled down from their self-satisfied heights and stripped of all their pretense. I would rejoice in seeing all temporal leaders humbled, deprived of wealth and esteem, and called to account by their fellow human beings.
As a private citizen, I am appalled by the continual wrongdoing of those who dare to raise themselves above the rest of us. I feel unreserved repugnance toward leaders who are without any shred of honesty or principle, whose every utterance is a bold affront to truth and reason. They appear to take unwholesome delight in their many opportunities to thieve and deceive, always furthering their own ends, always promoting their own corrupt interests at the expense of the unfortunate masses. They allow helpless children to starve, while happily enriching themselves. Their arrogance is boundless and their greed is unquenchable. They have no shame and no pity.
The history of humanity has been deeply stained, time and again, by the unforgivable sins of our leaders. If there is ever a glorious day of freedom and atonement, a day when the oppressive burdens of want, violence, and inequity are finally banished forever, I hope to see the loathsome creators of war and poverty marked out for extreme mortification. I long to see them reduced in stature, pulled down from their self-satisfied heights and stripped of all their pretense. I would rejoice in seeing all temporal leaders humbled, deprived of wealth and esteem, and called to account by their fellow human beings.