Thomas Jefferson vs. Donald Trump
Let us, in 2018, briefly compare the particular qualities of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States, with the particular qualities of Donald Trump, ill-mannered businessman and forty-fifth President of the United States. Such a comparison might add, perhaps in great measure, to the collective understanding of public morality that currently is held by the American citizenry.
Thomas Jefferson, in spite of being renowned as a staunch advocate of freedom and democracy, was a slaveholder, maintaining ownership of more than 600 human beings over the course of his lifetime. In addition, it is now generally acknowledged that he pursued a carnal relationship with at least one of his slaves, a young black woman by the name of Sally Hemings, and further, that a number of her children were fathered by him.
Donald Trump, for all his many shortcomings as a leader and a person (and certainly no honest observer would ever attempt to deny any of those shortcomings), is not a slaveholder, and moreover has not, at least as far as is currently known, fathered any children with a female slave. (Although he has, reportedly, dallied with porn stars.) Even if he was suddenly revealed to be a slaveholder, he would be no worse than Thomas Jefferson.
Two Presidents, separated by hundreds of years. One of them, Thomas Jefferson (a slaveholder), continues to be held in high esteem by nearly everyone, while the other, Donald Trump (not a slaveholder), is openly despised by millions. Is Thomas Jefferson actually a more estimable figure than Donald Trump? Or could it be that the glaring difference in their reputations is mainly a matter of moral convenience on the part of the liberal masses?
Thomas Jefferson, in spite of being renowned as a staunch advocate of freedom and democracy, was a slaveholder, maintaining ownership of more than 600 human beings over the course of his lifetime. In addition, it is now generally acknowledged that he pursued a carnal relationship with at least one of his slaves, a young black woman by the name of Sally Hemings, and further, that a number of her children were fathered by him.
Donald Trump, for all his many shortcomings as a leader and a person (and certainly no honest observer would ever attempt to deny any of those shortcomings), is not a slaveholder, and moreover has not, at least as far as is currently known, fathered any children with a female slave. (Although he has, reportedly, dallied with porn stars.) Even if he was suddenly revealed to be a slaveholder, he would be no worse than Thomas Jefferson.
Two Presidents, separated by hundreds of years. One of them, Thomas Jefferson (a slaveholder), continues to be held in high esteem by nearly everyone, while the other, Donald Trump (not a slaveholder), is openly despised by millions. Is Thomas Jefferson actually a more estimable figure than Donald Trump? Or could it be that the glaring difference in their reputations is mainly a matter of moral convenience on the part of the liberal masses?