A World of Custard
Feldspar Diffler had seen everything. Indeed, some of it he had seen two, three, and even four times. Life could no longer surprise Feldspar, or so he thought until one particular day, when he happened to meet a most unusual man.
The man that Feldspar met had no name, but he did possess a singular ability: he could, in an instant, turn anything, or anyone, into a cup of custard, merely by looking at the thing, or person, in question, and saying, quite loudly, "Zorf!"
"How utterly marvelous!" Feldspar declared. "By directing this fellow's ability to my own purpose, I could create a world of custard! A glorious world, completely filled with innumerable cups of custard, stretching out as far as the eye could see!"
Feldspar was quite thrilled at the prospect of being able to create a world of custard, for it was something that he had always wanted to do. (As to why Feldspar had always wanted to do such a thing, well, who can say?)
However, before Feldspar had a chance to pursue his strange ambition, the nameless man looked at him and said, "Zorf!" Feldspar was instantly turned into a cup of custard. (Which, perhaps, was just as well.)
The nameless man then proceeded to go about his own business. As he did so, he firmly told himself that, however worthy custard might be as an enjoyable foodstuff, seeking to create a world of custard was going a step too far.