A Reasonable Perspective on "Trans Women"
I am quite aware that, in saying what I am about to say regarding "trans women," I am putting myself in danger of being summarily "canceled (a collective action in which a childish, malicious pack of narrow-minded troublemakers relentlessly hounds someone, seeking to suppress any opinion that does not appeal to them), but that is of no concern to me. I shall, therefore, say it directly: the outcome of "transitioning" is, at best, no more than a willful delusion.
It is self-evident that a "trans woman" is not actually a woman. A "trans woman" is a man who has chosen, for whatever reason, to take on a female appearance, a condition that is completely elective and thoroughly superficial, clearly not constituting a definitive state of true, undeniable womanhood. (The same essential principle would also apply, of course, to any woman declaring herself to be fully male, as a result of having taken on a male appearance.)
The world has ample room for many kinds of people, and I have no fundamental objection to a man presenting himself as a woman. I do, however, object to the truth being twisted for the sake of convenience, and if a man claims that, merely by virtue of wearing a dress and assuming a female name, he is an actual, biological woman, then a harsh injury is being done to the truth. (Again, the same principle would apply to a woman claiming to be a man.)
In the worst cases, when a person abhors their own body to such a degree that they are moved to disavow it, and are then impelled to unwholesome extremes in an attempt to alter it, for the irrational purpose of forcing it to physically conform to a chosen gender, the likelihood of an unsound mentality must be considered. The manifest truth is that no amount of make-believe, or playacting, or hormones, or surgery can change a person from one sex to another.
That, in a nutshell and in accordance with my best understanding, is what I believe, in all honesty, to be a reasonable perspective on the matter. I readily grant that it will not be perceived as entirely pleasing by everyone (most especially by those of a trendy, liberal, muddle-headed persuasion), but it is my unwavering conviction that the truth, whether it is perceived as pleasing or not pleasing, convenient or not convenient, should always be firmly upheld.