A Summary of President Biden's Advice to Americans Regarding the Pandemic
As a public service at the beginning of 2022, here is a summary of the advice that President Biden has offered to Americans, to date, regarding the current pandemic of Covid-19, which continues to become worse under his leadership, with the virus having claimed the lives of at least 379,000 Americans since he was sworn in as President in January, 2021:
"Everything is fine. No problems whatsoever. Do not ask questions. Move along. Nothing to see. Mind your own business. Be passive. Deny the truth. Accept my shameless lies. Reject the necessity of strong measures. Dismiss the repeated warnings of epidemiologists. Embrace the false promise of pharmaceutical illusions. Do what I tell you to do. Go to work. Go to school. Go shopping. Go to a restaurant. Go to a nightclub. Go to Disneyland. Go to the slaughterhouse. Go to perdition."
Also, here is a summary of President Biden's special advice to his most ardently liberal supporters:
"Forget about the pandemic. Instead, just keep talking incessantly about how much you hate Donald Trump. Remember, hating Donald Trump is the only thing that truly matters. If you worry too much about the brazenly negligent manner in which I have chosen to handle the pandemic, it might actually cause the Big Bad Trump to come back."
Americans must decide for themselves whether the advice that President Biden offers regarding the pandemic is worthwhile, well-founded, and in their own best interests, but in my opinion it does appear that there are clear reasons for maintaining some degree of honest doubt.