Living in a Culture of Murder
The 21st century has become a dark age of unrestrained killing, witnessed in the form of war, abortion, and an uncontrolled pandemic of airborne disease that has been allowed to kill many millions of people. We are living in a culture of murder: a brutal, savage, heinous, unashamed culture of rampant homicide, in which coldblooded murders are carried out casually and regularly, with the unthinking support of most citizens. A heartless culture that grants no value to human life.
The numb masses, continually distracted by greed, finance, business, and other elements of capitalist evildoing, calmly go along with the brazen actions of murder that happen all around them, always pretending not to see those instances that are too gruesome to openly acknowledge. When their leaders send forces into foreign countries to wantonly slaughter men, women, and children, the masses back home can be relied upon to smoothly justify such wholesale murder as a righteous fight against "enemies."
In the case of abortion, the destruction of an unborn life is excused as a woman merely exercising her "right to choose," even if that choice is primarily a matter of heedless convenience. The helpless, unborn life, unable to speak for itself, is regarded as expendable, and is afforded no rights at all. It is a truth, unpalatable but also undeniable, that most abortions are performed on women who callously refuse to accept the "burden" of their own unwanted child.
The pandemic of Covid-19 that was declared by the World Health Organization in March, 2020, has destroyed a huge number of human lives, but the careless public has firmly resisted all reasonable strictures of caution, and the authorities in most nations are apparently determined to encourage the relentless advance of Covid-19 at any cost. It represents a loathsome alliance of madness and murder that proves, beyond doubt, the vileness of the prevailing outlook, while also undermining our future.
At this dreadful stage of history, it is horribly evident that human life counts for nothing. Within the culture of murder that has been fostered to serve the abominable interests of capitalism, all the human lives in the world are worth far less than the ability to engage in a crude, reckless pursuit of riches and comfort. It seems that humanity has utterly lost its moral bearings, and, in the end, is destined to be conquered by the inescapable outcome of its murderous priorities.