Pandemic, June 2022: The Mass Delusion of Safety
At the end of June, 2022, as the latest, most contagious variants of Covid-19 run rampant among us, we are being oppressed by the mass delusion of safety. Under the thin guise of "living with the virus," every intention of shielding the public from serious illness has been abandoned, leading us into a willful state of collective recklessness. With almost no tests being carried out, and therefore no reliable figures regarding the overall extent of current infection, it is difficult for us to gauge, with any certainty, how bad our general condition has become.
Madness starkly prevails during the summer of 2022. Because masks (which are essential if one seeks to avoid being infected) are no longer required in most settings, few people are choosing to wear them. Having been told by corrupt authorities that everyday activities are "completely safe," people are crowding into busy airports, flying on airplanes, going on cruises, attending concerts and festivals, filling up cinemas, and dining in restaurants. In the meantime, the virus itself soldiers on, relentlessly infecting everyone who makes themselves available.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been harshly abused by the leaders who wield power over us. We have been betrayed by those who are entrusted with establishing and upholding clear standards of public health. Instead of being given rational guidance on how to deal with Covid-19 in an effective manner, we have been told to rely solely on weak vaccines that quickly wane, while being clumsily offered lie after lie after lie, all amounting to an unending spate of dangerous falsehood, resulting in countless instances of extreme harm.
It now seems increasingly likely that we will never be able to recover from the heinous damage that is being done by allowing the virus to spread everywhere, without any degree of restraint. With each moment of foolhardy negligence that passes, we are digging ourselves deeper and deeper into an inevitable outcome of total self-destruction, deeper and deeper into an unwholesome fate from which there will be no dependable means of ready escape. As our situation continues to steadily decline, our final judgment awaits us.