A Pandemic of Genocide and Eugenics
In the summer of 2022, after more than two and a half years of continual mass illness resulting from Covid-19, leading to millions of people needlessly perishing worldwide, it is alarmingly evident that we are becoming reconciled, perhaps to an irrevocable degree, to a pandemic of genocide and eugenics. It is an unacceptable situation, in which a careless mind-set of extreme negligence prevails, a situation of heinous danger that is certain to grow increasingly urgent, as it steadily advances toward a dreadful outcome of collective misery, unprecedented hardship, and deep suffering, happening on a hitherto unimaginable scale.
What started, in December, 2019, as a local outbreak of disease in Wuhan, China, can now be seen, with its foul contagion having manifested itself in all nations, to constitute a probable instance of genocide. What other word can be used to describe the repugnant policy, coldbloodedly followed by most "democratic" governments in the West, of deliberately allowing the virus to spread, freely and fatally, among throngs of hapless citizens, with no attempt being made to curtail its undeniable threat? That policy, wantonly enforced by the corrupt overseers of capitalism, is totally wrong, and must be stubbornly resisted.
The overt killing that is determining the course of the pandemic is clearly driven by eugenics, the immoral belief that certain human lives (usually the lives of those who conveniently hold the greatest amount of wealth and power) are more valuable than others. It is the same belief that served as a motive for the murderous actions of the Nazis in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. Within the obdurate mentality of eugenics, enormous numbers of human beings can be designated as disposable, inevitably causing those human beings to lose their lives, with no remorse on the part of those who make such designations.
How did the human community fall to this depth of depravity? Why are people not moved to speak out against the mass murder, in the form of gross recklessness, that is being carried out in front of them, day after day, week after week? Why are they so readily inclined to turn a blind eye to such horror and go along with evil policies? Why are they so heedless of their own well-being? Could it be that both their integrity and their humanity had already been forfeited to the demons of capitalism before the pandemic began? Could it be that the pandemic and its attendant genocide are merely revealing the abominable truth?