Covid-19 in 2024: Contagion and Delusion Abounding in Equal Measure

In 2024, the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 relentlessly progresses toward an outcome of ruin for mankind, with contagion and delusion abounding in equal measure. Even among those who imagine themselves to be using a reasonable degree of caution in regard to Covid-19, blithe denial of the harsh truth is common. Nearly everyone is failing to see, and therefore failing to understand, that the human community in which they are living, the human community that they have always taken for granted, completely and carelessly, has fallen into a wretched process of final, inevitable destruction.

While our evil leaders heedlessly continue to pursue unsustainable policies of deliberate negligence, and the foolish masses (having recklessly chosen to pretend that Covid-19 no longer poses a danger to their health and well-being) continue to sleepwalk through the empty motions of "normal life," Covid-19 itself continues its heinous advance, showing no signs of ceasing or lessening its formidable assault on mankind. It seems that as the current situation becomes worse and worse, most people are more and more adamant in willfully denying the overwhelming evidence of irrevocable decline.

Some people have put groundless hope in the unlikely arrival of "better vaccines"and "better treatments." Others childishly believe that repeated infections will someday result in a reliable amount of collective immunity, or that Covid-19 will somehow diminish of its own accord. Instead of honestly dealing with the nightmare that is happening today, and actively preparing for the greater nightmare that is certain to happen in the years ahead, they have resigned themselves to merely clutching at straws, sliding deeper into a stupor of useless fantasy.

Whether people are disposed to admit it or not, Covid-19 is everywhere in 2024, filling every corner of every realm with a constant threat of disease. Wherever people who shun respirator masks are gathered and breathing, Covid-19 is also there, seeking to prey on them. The millions upon millions who readily deliver themselves into a malign cycle of perpetual sickness, accepting infection after infection after infection, are making an error that can never be corrected, because with each infection, their body is further drained and further weakened, leaving them open to a future of fatal harm.

If urgent actions to curb the unwholesome spread of Covid-19 had been pursued, if all known paths of potential contagion had been subjected to unwavering control by whatever restraints were necessary, conditions would not be as unsparingly injurious as they are now, but what needed to be done was not done, and will never be done. Mankind has embraced moral cowardice and collective weakness, surrendering to Covid-19 without any attempt at resistance, giving up without a fight, in a craven display of defeat that offers no chance of survival.

An abominable muddle of unbounded folly and abundant foolery has strongly taken hold, conspiring to give a decided advantage to Covid-19. In the extensive absence of essential safety, particularly in public spaces and medical settings, general instances of infection, illness, and mortality have all seen an alarming increase during the last several years. The handwriting is on the wall, darkly scrawled in a bold manner, but few have the courage to acknowledge it: allowing Covid-19 to spread without control has set mankind on the path to doom.