Harris and Trump in 2024: A Fraudulent Choice Between Two Brazen Figures of Capitalist Evil

In November, 2024, the general election in the United States, in which Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are pitted against each other, will offer American voters a fraudulent choice between two brazen figures of capitalist evil, both of whom are equally repugnant. A choice that, in terms of fundamental moral principles, is merely an expedient illusion, and not actually a choice at all.

2024 has been a year unlike any other in the repellant history of American politics. On June 27, during a television "debate" held between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Biden performed so clumsily that serious questions were raised, even by his own supporters, in regard to his advanced age and his mental fitness, leading to a host of widespread demands for him to withdraw from his shaky pursuit of a second term in the White House.

On July 13, while Biden's condition was still a matter of public controversy, Donald Trump, who was speaking to an outdoor crowd in the state of Pennsylvania, was struck in his right ear by a bullet fired at him from a rooftop by a would-be assassin. Although Trump himself survived the attempt on his life, a member of the crowd was shot and killed, and the young man who fired the shots was killed moments later by the Secret Service.

Donald Trump, always given to shameless bombast, made the most of his survival, boldly claiming that God had saved his life. In the childish eyes of his spellbound followers, he took on a superhuman quality, appearing to be a person possessed of divine power, who could "make America great again." Joe Biden, however, was sinking fast, with more and more people calling on him to withdraw from the race.

Finally, on July 21, Joe Biden accepted his unavoidable fate and suddenly announced that he would no longer be seeking a second term. Within hours, it became evident that Kamala Harris, who currently serves as Vice President, would easily gain a strong foothold as the unchallenged Democratic contender for the Presidency, a prospect which, quite unsurprisingly, caused an outbreak of foolish, groundless delight in the unreasoning hearts of American liberals.

Those muddle-headed liberals, fired up by their wild, deep-seated fear of Donald Trump, loudly extolled the supposedly urgent need to "save American democracy," and looked to Kamala Harris to lead them to their promised land of comfortable falsehood and abundant self-satisfaction. Donald Trump, meanwhile, continued to promote his own brand of crude pomposity, which is something that he does exceedingly well.

The problem with Kamala Harris is that apart from being younger (and more "fit") than Joe Biden, she does not represent any change in outlook: her policies are essentially the same as his, and therefore, she cannot provide any hope to America, or to the rest of the world. Kamala Harris, in common with Joe Biden and Donald Trump, stands for all the things that have ruined America: greed, dishonesty, delusion, and negligence.

Unbelievably, on September 15, less than two months before the election, a second attempt was made to assassinate Donald Trump, while he was playing golf in West Palm Beach, Florida. A man with a rifle was arrested before he had a chance to fire at Trump, but once again, the increasing lack of stability in the filthy, unwholesome process through which America anoints its leaders was on alarming display.

It seems that Americans never learn from their mistakes. Every election is a repeat of past elections, with overt, threadbare lies being shamelessly repeated over and over and over, but Americans are always eager to be taken in by those lies, always eager to be deceived, never demanding (and as a result, never receiving) the entire truth from those who seek to be their leaders. Americans are always willing to play the game, even though they are always losers.

A vote for Harris, or a vote for Trump, will be a vote for inevitable destruction: a vote for more damage from uncontrolled Covid-19, a vote for more war in Eastern Europe, a vote for more genocide in Gaza, a vote for more avarice and more corruption. By submitting to such an outcome, the citizens of the United States are willingly surrendering their nation to malign forces, and ensuring the certainty of their own downfall.

Millions of Americans will dutifully cast a vote for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump on November 5, mindlessly assuring themselves that their vote will count, but nothing could be further from the truth. No matter how those worthless votes might tally up in the end, the winner is a foregone conclusion: the winner will be capitalism, because capitalism always remains in absolute control, and capitalism never allows itself to lose.