The Pandemic of Covid-19 in January 2025: More Disease and More Delusion
Five years into the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19, with no prospect of relief in sight, what more is there to say? The following observations concerning 2025 are, for the most part, weary echoes from 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
In January, 2025, it is absolutely certain that, during the coming months, the pandemic of Covid-19 will increasingly worsen. We are, undoubtedly, destined to experience more disease and more delusion. By deliberately allowing Covid-19 to spread without any control, mankind has assented to a future devoid of hope, irrationally choosing to follow a fatal path of destruction that can lead only to a bleak, nightmarish outcome of downfall and doom.
The world of 2025 is a world of grim danger, a world in which Covid-19 is wildly thriving in every public space, and also in most private spaces. A world faltering beneath the weight of runaway contagion, repeated infections, mass illness, and excess mortality. A world in which schools are open, stores and shops are crowded, restaurants are packed, and airports are busy, in brazen defiance of the diligent caution that is clearly needed.
Immeasurable harm has already been done by Covid-19. Since March, 2020, when the pandemic of Covid-19 was first declared by the World Health Organization, countless lives have been lost, and countless lives have been ruined, but most people remain totally unperturbed, mindlessly displaying no misgivings whatsoever, blundering through the usual foolery of their shallow lives in a willful state of utter heedlessness.
From its start, the pandemic of Covid-19 has been attended by an abominable wave of thoughtlessness, malignly taking form as a childish refusal to acknowledge the urgent, self-evident necessity of resisting Covid-19 by any means available. Many people have embraced a craven mentality of surrender, wrongly gambling that such a mentality will permit them to escape the hazards of living in the middle of an airborne plague.
Asymptomatic infections are rife, constantly driving the pandemic of Covid-19 onward, leaving most people entirely unaware that Covid-19 is stealthily causing irreparable damage within their bodies. A relentless cycle of contagion and infection is brutally undermining the collective immunity of the human species, making untold millions of blithely careless people subject to steady assault by an unwholesome array of serious diseases.
Most people have yielded, quite willingly, to comfortable falsehood in their perception of Covid-19, falsehood that compels them to flatly deny the alarming effects of repeated infections on their own well-being. They are trapped in a perverse state of abject fantasy: stubbornly at war with the inconvenient truth, and blankly failing to grasp the stark import of what is actually transpiring, while obstinately digging themselves deeper into error.
Conditions that now prevail in regard to Covid-19 are not acceptable, and are not sustainable. What will happen when most people have become too ill to keep up with their daily lives? What will happen when most workers have become too ill to work? What will happen when most parents have become too ill to look after their children? What will happen when the fundamental structure of the human community falls apart?
As more people perish from Covid-19, and many others are rendered helpless by the burden of lingering sickness, it will become exceedingly difficult to maintain the crude deception, to which the masses cling and upon which they depend, of everything being as it should be. When no easy remedy can be found, and the horror of Covid-19 refuses to lessen, abate, or fade, a general feeling of desperation is likely to take hold.
Aside from so-called vaccines that do not prevent infection, and random boosters that trail far behind the unceasing pace at which new variants appear, no credible response to the pandemic of Covid-19 has been offered by governments. Instead, corrupt authorities have shamefully deferred to the monstrous demands of capitalism, always putting the unquenchable greed of wealthy corporations above human considerations.
It is unmistakably apparent that our wicked leaders do not have the slightest intention of ever doing anything to rescue us from the unprecedented threat of Covid-19. As the overall situation markedly degrades from week to week, our leaders continue to enable the pandemic by actively promoting immoral policies of overt negligence, and by heinously engaging in a ruthless conspiracy to hide the murderous effects of those policies.
With Covid-19 spreading freely, in a fully unrestrained manner, and nothing being done to curtail its harsh progress, we are heading toward an overwhelming instance of worldwide mortality. 2025 will be a year that sees Covid-19 move closer to achieving a final victory over mankind, as the extreme harm of uncontrolled Covid-19, manifested in suffering and misery on a huge scale, proves to be much stronger than the useless denial of the masses.
If no steps are taken to oppose the dreadful power of Covid-19, that power is bound to become greater. If Covid-19 encounters no human resistance, as is currently the case, it will be assured of final victory, and mankind will be assured of final defeat. If Covid-19 is not eradicated, it will triumph over mankind, and mankind will be guilty of serving as an accomplice to that triumph. If Covid-19 wins, mankind stands to lose everything.
To bring Covid-19 under reliable control, a permanent change in the pattern of human activity must be enforced. Essential safety in all settings, indoor and outdoor, should be the top priority, with no compromises and no exceptions. In particular, respirator masks must be required in all public spaces. Unless such an approach is taken, resulting in tough measures being rigorously upheld, we will have no chance of long-term survival.
Any further delay will ensure our inevitable decline. Infection by infection, Covid-19 has swiftly gained a fearsome advantage over mankind, an advantage that soon will be unstoppable. We do not have an abundance of time in which to take action. We do not have fifty years to act against Covid-19. We do not have forty years to act, or thirty years, or twenty, or ten. We may not even have five years. We must take action now.