

Welcome to a collection of stories, sketches, essays, articles, reviews, and opinions written over a period of decades, beginning in the early 1970s and extending into the 2000s. If Samuel Johnson, who came to eminence as a writer and a lexicographer in the 1700s, was correct when he reportedly said, "No one but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money," then I can humbly testify to being a blockhead many times over, having spent most of my own life doggedly engaged in practicing a writer's craft, but never enriching myself, a record of unabated obstinacy that stands in hellbent defiance of Dr. Johnson's bold utterance. Expressing oneself through the written word, I have learned, is an exceedingly durable habit that, after solidly establishing itself in one's life, regardless of whether or not it results in any manifest reward, does not easily lend itself to being broken.

Harris and Trump in 2024: A Fraudulent Choice Between Two Brazen Figures of Capitalist Evil

In November, 2024, the general election in the United States, in which Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are pitted against each other, will offer American voters a fraudulent choice between two brazen figures of capitalist evil, both of whom are equally repugnant. A choice that, in terms of fundamental moral principles, is merely an expedient illusion, and not actually a choice at all. 2024 has been a year unlike any other in the repellant history of American politics. On June 27, during a television "debate" held between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Biden performed so clumsily that serious questions were raised, even by his own supporters, in regard to his advanced age and his mental fitness, leading to a host of widespread demands for him to withdraw from his shaky pursuit of a second term in the White House. On July 13, while Biden's condition was still a matter of public controversy, Donald Trump, who was speaking to an outdoor c

Keir Starmer Is the Man Who Will Destroy What Remains of the United Kingdom

On July 4, 2024, the general election in the United Kingdom had a definitive, but not a particularly surprising, outcome. The Labour Party, headed by Keir Starmer, enjoyed an overwhelming victory, while Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (serving only since 2022) and the Conservative Party suffered a crushing defeat, after the party, with a succession of other leaders (David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss), had been holding power since 2010. For the most part, the lopsided outcome of the election was a case of the Conservatives defeating themselves, being brought down by the heavy, monstrous weight of their own brazen corruption, rather than the Labour Party representing a potential change in the actual direction of the British government. In truth, under Keir Starmer, Labour is no less a stronghold of overtly right-wing policies than the Conservative Party. With Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of Labour and a lifelong figurehead of British socialism, having been harshly depos

Covid-19 in 2024: Contagion and Delusion Abounding in Equal Measure

In 2024, the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 relentlessly progresses toward an outcome of ruin for mankind, with contagion and delusion abounding in equal measure. Even among those who imagine themselves to be using a reasonable degree of caution in regard to Covid-19, blithe denial of the harsh truth is common. Nearly everyone is failing to see, and therefore failing to understand, that the human community in which they are living, the human community that they have always taken for granted, completely and carelessly, has fallen into a wretched process of final, inevitable destruction. While our evil leaders heedlessly continue to pursue unsustainable policies of deliberate negligence, and the foolish masses (having recklessly chosen to pretend that Covid-19 no longer poses a danger to their health and well-being) continue to sleepwalk through the empty motions of "normal life," Covid-19 itself continues its heinous advance, showing no signs of ceasing or lessening its formidab

The Nation of Israel Should Be Abolished

Since October 7, 2023, the nation of Israel has ruthlessly slaughtered tens of thousands of men, women, and children in Gaza. What started as Israel's apparent response to a sudden assault on Israeli citizens by Hamas, an Islamist organization, was soon revealed to be a deliberate, coldblooded, undisguised policy of total genocide by Israel, relentlessly carried out with the unmistakable intention of eradicating the Palestinian people. As the months have grimly passed, Israel's mass murder of civilians has increased, in full view of the entire world. Day after day, there are dreadful reports of helpless Palestinians, completely unable to save themselves from wholesale destruction, being remorselessly killed with weapons supplied to Israel by the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations, all serving as knowing accomplices to Israel's brazen genocide. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, with full support from President Biden of the United States, is guilty of want

In 2024, As Covid-19 Spreads Freely, We Need to Prepare Ourselves for the Coming Downfall of Mankind

The conditions of extreme danger resulting from the pandemic of Covid-19 are worse than ever in the early part of 2024. Denial, delusion, and dishonesty regarding the harm of Covid-19 are now firmly entrenched within the careless, unquestioning mentality of the masses. Immoral policies of overt negligence and mass infection are deliberately promoted by figures of authority. Measures to preserve fundamental safety and lessen instances of contagion are absent from all public spaces, including medical settings. The pandemic of Covid-19 has become a one-way trip to the lowest depths of hell. The decision to allow Covid-19 to spread out of control, a decision made without concern for the enormous amounts of deep suffering that would necessarily ensue, has condemned us to a foreboding likelihood of overwhelming misery. Most people, through their foolish acceptance of that wrongful decision, have recklessly chosen to enable and hasten their own unknowing descent into a collective state of fat

Israel and Palestine: A Bitter Conflict with Only One Morally Acceptable Solution

On October 7, 2023, members of Hamas, an Islamist organization with a long record of carrying out acts of vengeance in the Middle East, launched a surprise assault against Israel, its sworn enemy, ruthlessly killing a number of Israeli civilians and quickly inciting a major war that threatens to engulf the entire region. Israel, in keeping with its usual practice when challenged by enemies, has savagely responded with a fearsome display of wholesale violence toward the unarmed Palestinians who live in Gaza, the narrow piece of land alongside Israel, into which more than two million Palestinians have been herded by the Israeli government. When Israel was founded as a state in 1948, violently brought into being by gangs of murderous Zionists who boldly claimed the territory of Palestine as their own, with malign support from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe, it was a clear instance of shameless, unforgivable wrongdoing. The unfortunate people of Palestine were brutally d

Autumn 2023: A Dozen Essential Truths Regarding the Pandemic of Covid-19 and Its Probable Outcome

In the autumn of 2023, Covid-19 continues to prevail everywhere unceasingly, passing through the air, unseen and unremarked, from one person to another person, breath by breath, causing increasing amounts of serious illness and excess mortality, while steadily undermining the fundamental structure of the human community upon which we all depend. The virus is now running thoroughly out of control, spreading whenever people gather in the public realm without wearing masks, wildly flourishing to our unbounded detriment. Our adversary clearly has the upper hand, and is not disposed to be moderate or mild in its cunning assault on our bodies. The virus is a pitiless enemy, savagely bent on bringing about our defeat, stealthily exploiting our ingrained weaknesses and wielding its contagion as a weapon. In view of our desperate straits, my aim here is to offer a succinct examination of a dozen essential truths regarding the pandemic of Covid-19 and its probable outcome. 1. Origin of the virus

The Coronation of Charles III: Self-Serving Tradition and Repugnant Pomposity

On May 6, 2023, within the ancient space of Westminster Abbey, Charles III was formally anointed as King of the United Kingdom, with his second wife, Camilla, sitting alongside him as Queen Consort. The coronation of Charles III was, in keeping with the character of the monarchy that it celebrated, a vulgar display of fraudulent observance, awash in decrepit practices that combined self-serving tradition and repugnant pomposity. For the British masses, the ceremony in London provided a bit of mindless diversion, a silly excuse for a neighborhood party, and a one-off bank holiday, but apart from those few things, it accomplished no earthly good whatsoever, in spite of having drained a huge fortune from the public coffers. After a thoroughly grim winter in which the United Kingdom was torn by widespread strikes, rampant infections of Covid-19, alarming signs of breakdown in the NHS, ongoing damage from Brexit, and perpetual scandal in the Conservative government of Prime Minister Rishi S

Pandemic 2023: A Permanent Hell of Runaway Contagion

After three years, the pandemic of Covid-19 has become, in 2023, a permanent hell of runaway contagion, an unrelenting horror in which millions of people are continually suffering from serious illness, and millions of others have been killed, directly or indirectly, by a savage virus that is spreading without any hindrance whatsoever. Our current state can be judged, fairly and depressingly, as being extremely shaky, and steadily getting more shaky from one day to the next. We are provoking a gruesome fate for ourselves, as we are hurried on our way by the execrable capitalists who seek to derive wealth from our numb descent into the mindless realm of dangerous passivity. Most of the governments in the world have conspired to hide and deny the harm being done by Covid-19, with most scientists and doctors choosing to support, and actively enable, the conspiracy. Citizens in nearly every nation on earth have been heavily deceived by their leaders in regard to the virus and its fatal pote

Covid-19 in 2023: Another Year of Danger and Denial

In February, 2023, the overwhelming danger of Covid-19 is unquestionably worse than ever, but unfortunately, so is the collective denial of that danger. The virus itself is everywhere, with no credible attempts having been made to stop it from spreading, and, as a result, most people have been forced to suffer the unwholesome burden of repeated infections, leading to many millions of people around the world, both young and old, falling seriously ill, and many millions perishing. The authorities who should be working hard to maintain the highest standards of health and safety have, instead, permitted mass illness to prevail, enabling it to become a perpetual condition of everyday life. It appears that mankind has gone utterly astray, perhaps irrevocably. During the few years since the pandemic was first declared in 2020, most people have shut down their minds, ceasing to think in a rational manner, casually abandoning all semblance of sanity, integrity, and morality. They have recklessl

How Much Longer Until Humans Bring About Their Own Destruction?

Speaking as one who has stumbled along for almost seven decades, generally trying to maintain as much of my sanity as I can in this crazy world, I feel overwhelming despair at the ruinous forces of unrelenting evil that I behold whenever I look around me in 2022. I observe nations governed by selfishness, nations in which leaders and citizens alike, frantically driven by a raw welter of careless desires, are concerned only with seizing the hollow benefits that accompany temporal gain. They casually disavow the inevitable results of their depraved intent, wagering that they will never be held accountable for their pattern of repeated follies, blankly presuming themselves to be under no obligation to act differently. By those blunders, they have put the seal upon our collective fate, heedlessly condemning us to an inescapable destiny of horror and suffering. To a person who is not irretrievably caught in a muddle of foolish delusions, the ways in which mankind is dragging itself down are

President Biden Is Totally, Utterly, Completely Wrong: The Pandemic Is Not Over

On Sunday, September 18, 2022, President Joe Biden, who has callously observed tens of millions of Americans being repeatedly infected by Covid-19, resulting in hundreds of thousands of them being struck down, since he assumed top leadership of his nation in January, 2021, was featured on a television broadcast of 60 Minutes on CBS. During his conversation with a reporter, he offered the following comments regarding the current state of the pandemic: "The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We're still doing a lot of work on it... but the pandemic is over. If you notice, no one's wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it's changing." President Biden is totally, utterly, completely wrong, and he knows it. The pandemic is not over, and it can be further stated that unless the President reverses his negligent policies, the pandemic is unlikely to ever be over. The number of serious infections in the United States

Elizabeth II: The Passing of a Queen, and the Passing of an Age

With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8, 2022, the United Kingdom has come to the definitive end of an unrepeatable period in its long chronicle, a period in which Britain dealt with its share of setbacks, but also achieved many worthwhile things. For any British person whose life happened to unfold during the reign of Elizabeth II, which began in 1952 and endured for span of seventy years, her passing is an undeniable milestone, prompting deep waves of memory and reflection. It can be stated, with the fullest degree of confidence, that the citizens of the United Kingdom are unlikely to ever have such a singular monarch again. Through seven decades as Queen, through good times and bad times, Elizabeth II was perceived, within Britain itself and abroad, as representing the essence of the British spirit. She was the only British monarch that most people alive today have ever known. Britain is witnessing both the passing of a Queen, and the passing of an age. Elizabeth II su

Liz Truss: Leading the United Kingdom from Bad to Worse

Liz Truss, the brittle, shrewish woman who, after a prolonged battle to gain control within the Conservative Party, was finally able to succeed Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on September 6, 2022, is now set to lead her hapless nation from bad to worse. Most citizens of the United Kingdom, having been bruised and offended by the many abominations that flourished under Johnson's haphazard leadership, will now be hoping (and, given the extremity of the current situation, perhaps even praying) for the best, but it is likely that the difficult conditions in Britain, which are already the worst in a lifetime, are destined to quickly degrade as a result of Liz Truss taking up residence in Downing Street. After heedlessly ruling the United Kingdom for twelve years, the Conservatives have, it seems, nearly expended their potential for unmitigated corruption. They cling to stale bluster, appearing to have lost all purpose apart from the reckless pursuit of brazen gree